501.BC Indonesia/5–349: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State 1

secret   urgent

400. Gocus 682. Roem and RepDel members returned evening 2nd from Bangka without Hatta. Roem came later and stayed two hours. His group had amended and supplemented draft material Roem, Van Royen and I had prepared. Roem stated this represented final Repub position and no need Hatta come explain it. Roem asked that I discuss RepDel draft with Van Royen alone.

Spent hour and half with Van Royen this morning. Showed and explained RepDel document. Van Royen in turn gave me document containing NethDel amendments and supplements to our joint draft.

I then received Roem alone for two hours. I gave him Van Royen’s reaction to RepDel draft and handed him NethDel draft. I explained that there were only two important points of divergency: First, that NethDel desires word “insist” while RepDel will not go beyond “urge” in indicating position Sukarno and Hatta undertake to advance with Repub Government when once restored Jogja in matter issuing ceasefire, cooperating towards peace, law and order and participating roundtable. Second matter concerns Repub’s request NethDel recognize connection between restored government Jogja and Repub territory outside Jogja area not occupied by Netherlands.

Roem said he could yield no further. Said Natsir had already quit delegation, feeling he could not support its policy. Roem regretted losing this fellow Masjumi leader and said he would have to quit chairmanship if pressed on these two points. I insisted neither Van Royen nor I desired this and I was sure amicable arrangement could be worked out. It was agreed Roem should consult his delegation and then inform me whether he desired see me again or would be ready talk with Van Royen directly on differences. Idea advanced that if Roem found he could not reach understanding with Van Royen latter or both should proceed Bangka to lay matter before Hatta. Roem dislikes having to consult Hatta again. Asked I accompany him and Van Royen if trip decided upon. I have explained to both parties that [Page 397] while chairman I am willing continue be intermediary as they have requested but unless they can clear up differences shortly I must take matter into UNCFI.

I phoned Van Royen later regarding Boem’s position. I suggested possible way out on one of the two points at issue.

Sultan Jogja had lunched with Van Royen. Latter had endeavored solicit assistance Sultan in straightening out contentious points, promising in turn deal generously in restoring Repub administration Jogja residency.

Van Royen tells me confidentially Schuurman will be replaced by de Beus when Van Royen leaves Batavia. Latter desires particularly have de Beus with SC experience here to work with UNCFI representatives during Hague Conference. Signed Cochran.

  1. Repeated in telegram 389, may 4, 7 p. m., to The Hague.