501.BC Indonesia/8–1949: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Baruch) to the Secretary of State

secret   priority

710. Hicus 7. Hatta and Hamid significantly received jointly at large reception seventeenth celebrating Fourth Anniversary Republican independence. Van Royen there told me De Beus had phoned p. m. from Batavia infiltration situation continued serious and unless [Page 471] TNI issued orders for infiltrants withdraw and latter complied clashes inevitable. BFO Mansour from Sumatra who has heretofore been one of leading dissidents from Republican cause told me thought we were “finally on right road” and he expected successful conference.

Night 17th visited newly arrived first Indian Ambassador who said his people concerned lest UNCI might not take active part RTC and lest I leave soon for Pakistan. I assured him UNCI already participating actively in planning RTC, will have ample role therein and I intend see job through.

As UNCI chairman, met with Van Royen, Roem, Anak Agung morning and afternoon sessions seventeenth and eighteenth. We completed draft rules procedure RTC which will be submitted this afternoon to large conference committee for approval. We issued communiqué noon eighteenth that conference would open 11 a. m. twenty-third. Now find necessary change to 2 p. m. to have direct broadcast Indonesia. Believe I obtained satisfactory safeguarding of UNCI position in draft rules and that Hatta will this afternoon accept compromise which I worked out between Van Royen and Roem on chairmanships conference and steering committee.

Visited with Stikker alone his home last night. He concerned over infiltration reports from Indonesia and feared Republic could not control military to effect satisfactory cease-hostilities no matter how well intentioned Hatta and other leaders may be. He was pleased with outcome Second Chamber debate, particularly Roem’s [Romme’s1] attitude, and hoped there would be no developments in Indonesia in course of conference to cause its suspension. I argued that there could be no justification for such a move. I said he was repeating to me doubts of same sort that caused failure his second mission to Indonesia last fall. I endeavored portray big change in spirit of Republicans that has resulted from Van Royen’s admirable handling of negotiations with Stikkers support in government.

I was happy be able tell Stikker I had heard through Dow that MilEx thought Netherlands’ reports from Batavia exaggerated situation. I stressed need to perpetuate mutual confidence and contact between Lovink and Sultan Jogja. Stikker realizes Lovink has only handful of newly sent assistants and that old guard may still try color reports and make difficulties for government policy. He said he would write Lovink personal letter as I left counseling courage and communicating again my confidence in Republican intent to see agreements observed and in Sultan’s ability implement.

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Stikker also worried lest Indonesian question be brought before UN in September, not that he could not justify Netherlands acts since March 23 SC directive, but that this would only make more trouble for his government and would mean sending Van Royen to Lake Success just when needed for heavy share NethDel task RTC. I argued Netherlands should make every effort have Hague same cooperative spirit characterized Batavia discussions and complete RTC soonest. I said if genuine progress being made this direction Republicans themselves would most likely oppose UN taking up Indonesian question in September, especially if this required Van Royen leaving.

I said UNCI endeavoring strengthen MilEx through more officers and jeeps realizing that cease-hostilities Indonesia must be well observed if conference to move smoothly. Stikker complained of Australian attitude.

I said had word new senior US military adviser proceeding Batavia September. He insisted such officer should be at least of equivalent rank Brigadier Prior (Ushic 62). Recommend get officer of highest qualifications Indonesia soonest in view importance to entire RTC negotiations of successful observance cease-hostilities orders and considering fact Netherlands feels Prior dominates MilEx in fashion unfriendly to Netherlands and will so continue unless checked by outstanding US officer. Signed Cochran.3

Sent Department 710, repeated Batavia 33.

  1. Professor Carl P. M. Romme, Catholic People’s Party leader, was a member of the Parliamentary Commission of Nine advising the Netherlands delegation to The Hague conference.
  2. Telegram 713, August 17, to The Hague, not printed. Brigadier Prior represented Australia.
  3. The Department of the Army was informed of this situation by letter dated August 25 and was requested to expedite the sending by the Department of Defense of a senior military officer to head the Military Mission at Batavia, with rank of a senior Colonel or a Brigadier General.