501.BC Indonesla/9–2649: Telegram

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Steere) to the Secretary of State

confidential   priority

830. Hicus 39. Reference paragraph c, January 28 SC resolution re duty UNCI once agreement reached to recommend to SC nature, powers and functions of UN agency to remain Indonesia assist implementing agreement until sovereignty transferred.

In memorandum Batavia, June 22, parties agreed item VII D of [Page 499] agenda on “observation of implementation of agreements” that “UNCI or another UN agency shall observe in Indonesia implementation of agreements reached RTC”. This item assigned to Political Committee but “not be considered for time being”.

There have been no arranged discussions so far on this subject among delegations or within UNCI. Netherlands well as Indonesia favor maintenance UN agency, former believing necessary to guarantee holding of proper elections and latter desiring presence during and to insure Netherlands will withdraw also. Members each side have expressed hope to me that strong and competent body exist for these purposes.

Current week steps anticipated by Steering Committee to hasten progress RTC. Possible, therefore, that discussions may begin in Political Committee or in UNCI on future setup and functions UN agency Indonesia. Submit, therefore, my following rough, tentative ideas for such early comment Department may make. I suggest that:

UNCI should be continued as such after sovereignty transferred. Title would appear appropriate for subsequent functioning. To reopen question in SC might arouse debate and afford possibility other countries acquiring participation.
Military observers be retained with UNCI for further observing compliance with cessation hostilities orders, Netherlands troop withdrawals, maintenance order by subsequently responsible authorities and finally preparing and witnessing elections.
As elections approach, which not likely for several months, more trained observers might replace and supplement military observers and expert on elections and plebiscites be sent Indonesia. Decision could be taken in light circumstances that time as to whether specialists should constitute new body whose sole function would be to arrange and observe elections and should succeed UNCI with new designation, or whether such experts should simply be attached to UNCI.
No change in membership USDel be made in foreseeable future. I see no need my returning Indonesia if RTC ends successfully as anticipated. After their handling difficult situation respect cease hostilities, am sure deputies can take care future tasks. Am not aware whether Herremans and Critchley will return Indonesia. Former has frequently indicated desire terminate UNCI assignment and receive independent post. Conceivable, Critchley might desire return because of close connection Republicans and possibility enjoying position of influence.
While deputy representatives of Belgium and Australia are from respective consulates Batavia, recommend no change in Dow’s independent status now. Once diplomatic missions established, this point could be reconsidered. Signed Cochran.

Sent Department 830, repeated Batavia 67.
