851G.01/6–1549: Telegram

The Consul General at Saigon (Abbott) to the Secretary of State


195. Department’s 94, June 14 arrived shortly before my appointment Prince Buuloc and enabled me explain situation to him. British Consul1 saw Bao Dai privately yesterday connection special reception for Chinese, Indian, Pakistan colonies which Hopson attended as representative Pakistan interests.

Prince Buuloc stated Emperor attaches great importance his two speeches yesterday (mytel 193 June 14). They should be considered as complementary, first speech as announcement foreign policy, second outlining internal policy. Prince drew attention to sentence quoted third paragraph mytel 193 which Emperor considers form slanderence [sic] to anti-Communist bloc which should correct any misunderstanding this point aroused by irresponsible journalists. Second speech pledges Emperor to democratic, socially liberal internal regime. Subsequent speeches Hue [and] Hanoi will supplement and expand above themes.

Prince expressed hope Britain and US would issue friendly welcoming statement as soon as government formed. Said Emperor returning Dalat next day or so to form government before proceeding Hue, Hanoi. Indicated no decision yet made whether Emperor should head government himself or name Prime Minister. Said Emperor reluctant proceed Hanoi during current heat wave (110 degrees with high [Page 55] humidity) and hinted possibility permanent residence Dalat (reference mytel 186, June 1)2 or at least regular week-end trips in his new plane.

Discussed with Buuloc importance attitude India and Thai. Emperor has sent representatives neither country. Indian Consulate in charge minor clerk who is hospitalized lumbago. However, French suspect diplomatic illness in view current strained relations over French territories in India and French refusal accept [apparent garble] newly appointed Consul General Saigon following reports from former post Batavia that Maeerelmani is bitter disgruntled unsuccessful journalist and violent anti-imperialist. Thai Vice Consul absent all ceremonies and social functions. Excuse illness mother. French Chargé Bangkok now in Saigon reticent and evasive re attitude Thai Government towards Bao Dai.

Buuloc confirmed plans for good will mission Thai, India, perhaps Australia. I suggested possibility Philippines. Also said similar mission to US under consideration. French had indicated no objection and had offered to approach US. Would appreciate Department’s views on this.3

Sent Department; reypeated Paris; pouched Hanoi.

  1. Donald C. Hopson.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Telegram 102, June 18, 6 p. m., to Saigon, replied that the Department considered such a mission “premature at this time.”