851G.01/9–2749: Telegram

The Consul General at Saigon (Abbott) to the Secretary of State


306. Further reference Deptel 156, September 22,1 Pignon informs me that of twelve supplementary accords mentioned March 8 agreement, one, providing three Vietnamese representatives on Council French Union, has been concluded. Four others process negotiation. Balance either secondary importance or dependent on interstate conference.

Negotiation accord transfer administration progressing satisfactorily but hampered by interconnection interests Cambodia, Laos (mytel 303, September 24). Accords on Vietnamese Army and French military bases will be negotiated together. Preliminary conversations concluded, first formal meeting September 28. Accord on judiciary expected shortly. High commissioner admitted serious difference during negotiations was with Vietnamese delegation attempting modify March 8 agreement by placing time limit existence mixed courts. This [Page 82] demand now abandoned and no further difficulties foreseen. This commission will next take up question Sûreté. Pignon believes Vietnam will accept French proposal which accepts principle Sûreté to be completely turned over but with proviso certain services be retained French hands limited period. For reasons military security impossible withdraw French Sûreté immediately.

Calling of important interstate conference originally planned September held up by:

Delay in opening negotiations Vietnam accords which Pignon insists Bao Dai’s and not his fault as he was ready to start June 14.
Delay in signing Cambodian agreement. Dissolution Cambodian Assembly (mytel 294, September 202) has eliminated opposition. Pignon and King3 leaving for Paris October 3 to sign agreement. Interstate conference now planned for first week November even if Vietnam negotiations incomplete. Pignon said French have decided present bad feeling between Vietnam, Cambodia makes impossible any agreement for [so-called federal] services and will accept separate customs communications, et cetera, only limitation being no customs barriers between Indochina states and identic tariff schedules. Pignon feels this new approach should eliminate bulk anticipated disputes and assure success of interstate conference.

With regard information received by my British colleague that Schuman in Washington talks spoke of early ratification March 8 agreements, Pignon said he was puzzled by this since agreement provides for ratification only after negotiation supplementary accords which become part of instrument to be ratified. Thus ratification would not seem possible before February. He also spoke of the possibility of absorbing all agreements into one inclusive document which he personally favors for sake of clarity and because March 8 agreement is “very badly drafted document.”

Pignon said all reports indicate Bao Dai’s visit Tonkin great success (re Hanoi 104, September 222). Emperor greatly encouraged and Pignon hopes period delay and indecision is over.

Pouched Hanoi; Department pass Paris.4

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Prince Norodom Sihanouk at 18 was chosen King of Cambodia in 1941 by its royal council.
  4. Not printed.
  5. This was done the same day at 3:25 p. m.