851G.00/10–1349: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State


4292. With thought that present time might be more propitious for removing Indochina from Overseas France Ministry (which amounts to decapitation of same) than after constitution new government, I arranged to have Schuman reminded of Washington conversations on this point. We were told that Schuman had returned with firm intention of arranging this matter even had there been no crisis and that under circumstances he intends take it up with Moch.1

Elsewhere we hear that there is some thought of creating secretary-ship of state for Indochina and that Devinat is after this job. We have let it be known that if this formula is accepted, new agency should in our view be directly tied to Foreign Office in order that psychological effect of change in SEA and elsewhere be maintained. Department will appreciate that in view necessity close liaison with political parties (parliamentary ratification March 8 and supplementary agreements) and with military in next crucial months, sudden responsibility for Indochinese matters would place great strain on Foreign Office machinery and on Foreign Minister personally, and that consequently transition agency headed by political man but under authority of Foreign Minister might be sensible compromise.

Sent Department 4292, repeated London 709. Department pass Saigon 134.2

  1. French Minister of Interior.
  2. This was done the same day.