893.01/3–1049: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 123. Despite resolution Legislative Yuan demanding return Nanking [of] Executive Yuan, Tung Lin, Vice Foreign Minister [Page 169] in charge Foreign Office Canton, doubts feasibility return Government Nanking this stage. He says conditions motivating removal Canton still exist Nanking, if anything in more aggravated form, and it would be folly return until removal Communist threat. He conceives possibility that few ranking members various Ministries might return Nanking so long as peace negotiations continue, but bulk Government will remain Canton.

He admitted that with Premier, Deputy Premier and Secretary General Executive Yuan all in Nanking, no Cabinet action was possible Canton and when I reminded him of promise Deputy Premier that Executive Yuan would at all times be functioning Canton to handle our title deed and other problems, Tung Lin said he would remind Wu Tieh-cheng this promise and suggest remedial action be taken pending formation new government.

Sent Department; repeated Nanking 105, Shanghai 72.
