
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Webb)

Participants: General Chennault
The Under Secretary
Mr. Rusk—G
Mr. Sprouse—CA

General Claire Lee Chennault called today by appointment to discuss the question of aid to China. He said that the two principal points of his proposal for aid to China were (1) U.S. aid for the establishment of a zone running from Ninghsia in the northwest to Yunnan in southwest China which could be defended against the Chinese Communists and thus prevent the spread of Communism into southeast Asia and (2) the sending of a U.S. military mission to China which would be charged with procurement, distribution and all handling of military aid supplies for the Chinese armies in the provinces included in this zone, as well as the provision of training and advice to these forces. (General Chennault subsequently elaborated upon his proposal in a conversation with Mr. Rusk. A copy of a memorandum containing these remarks is attached.86)

I informed General Chennault that I welcomed an opportunity to discuss this problem with him and to hear his views on the subject. I pointed out that in consideration of his proposal, however, the Department naturally had to keep in mind the position of American citizens and interests in those areas of China under Chinese Communist occupation and the possible effect on them of the plan proposed since we had a responsibility in this connection. I also said that the President had to keep in mind in consideration of the problem of aid to foreign countries our commitments in other areas and the necessity of reducing expenditures to the greatest extent possible in view of the budgetary problem.

Mr. Rusk said that he would be glad to have General Chennault continue the conversation in his office where a secretary could make a transcript of his remarks, which would then be available for study. He also said that, while the Department could make no commitment in regard to General Chennault’s proposal, it would like to have an opportunity to give appropriate consideration thereto.

  1. Infra.