330.1/7–3150: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State

secret   priority

174. Deptel 72, July 28. On his return from Washington evening of July 30, Jebb (UK) informed Gross he and Franks1 had seen Hickerson2 in afternoon to discuss Commission resolution and to advise Department of UK Government doubts thereon. Jebb said Hickerson stressed our strong desire to table resolution, but not to do so if UK would ask for adjournment. Jebb reported that Hickerson urged him to request new instructions in event eight SC members favored resolution and that Hickerson had suggested Jebb communicate with Gross upon return to New York. Jebb requested latest appraisal situation as of 9 p. m. 30 July. Gross replied we had received indications that Egypt, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Ecuador, China and of course US would favor resolution on basis personal reaction delegations here, that we have not received word from French or Norwegian delegations and that India looked doubtful. Hence, Gross could not [Page 313] say at moment whether we would have eight votes. Gross added we were meeting with France, Norway and UK at 10 a. m., 31 July and he hoped to have word then.

Jebb said he had been advised that French Foreign Office has indicated to British Embassy Paris French opposition.

Jebb concluded by saying in light of his talk with Department, he would await further information July 31 a. m., before communicating with London. Jebb did not advise Gross of basis London doubts and Gross therefore did not discuss merits with him.

  1. Sir Oliver S. Franks, British Ambassador to the United States.
  2. John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs.