320/9–850: telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in India (Henderson)


353. 1. Dept informed by Emb London Rev. Michael Scott, who is inadmissible under US immigration laws (because of his reported [Page 64] Commie connections), has applied visa attend forthcoming session GA his capacity rep Intl League Rights of Man.

2. Application Scott appear before Fourth Comite in order set forth views indigenous inhabitants SW Afr was one of most controversial questions which confronted 1949 session GA. Fourth Comite agreed give Scott oral hearing over strenuous opposition So Afr. US voted against proposal. GOI has taken direct interest Scott and in 1946 formally requested US admit Scott in capacity adviser GOI Del to GA.

3. While Intl League Rights of Man is non-governmental org having consultative status Art 71 UN Charter, Dept holds Sec 11 (4) Hdqrs Agreement obligates US facilitate attendance nongovernmental org reps only at mtgs ECOSOC and subsidiary bodies and not repeat not GA or other organs. Entry Scott last year was on basis his position rep of non-governmental org to ECOSOC mtg. Authorization Scott prolong his stay US attend GA based on probability invitation address Fourth Comite, which was in fact extended to him by that body. Re present visa application Scott, Dept expects defer action pending knowledge whether Comite Four invites him. If Scott invited by Comite Four appear before it, Dept will recommend issuance appropriate visa as provided for Sec 11 (5) Hdqrs Agreement.

4. Dept concerned over possibility undesirable repercussions may ensue if inadmissibility Scott widely publicized either by himself or countries, particularly India, interested his appearance before GA. Dept also feels if question admission Scott becomes issue in GA, atmosphere in Fourth Comite will be adversely affected and cleavage between administering and non-administering powers which emerged last session GA will be further intensified.1 In order prevent development such situation you are authd in reply any queries from GOI inform GOI Dept position described foregoing para, if you consider such action desirable.

5. London authd inform UK Dept position re admission Scott if considered appropriate. London also authd at its discretion utilize info re Dept position counter any publicity unfavorable US this matter (Embtel 1450, Sept 7).2 Dept suggests that if possible info given press be limited to statement his application under consideration with view determining whether he can qualify for entry under Hdqrs Agreement.

[Page 65]

6. USUN authd indicate Dept position only in response specific inquiries from dels, as Dept does not wish stimulate interest in possible move have Scott appear before Fourth Comite.

Sent Delhi 353, repeated London 1279, USUN 230.

  1. For documentation regarding problems relating to trusteeship and non-self-governing territories (under the purview of the General Assembly’s Fourth Committee), see pp. 434 ff. For documentation regarding the South West Africa question, see pp. 474 ff.
  2. Not printed.