Editorial Note

Documents in file 411.1231 for 1950 indicate that the United States asked Mexico on May 7 for joint termination of their Reciprocal Trade Agreement, to be effective June 30. Mexico wished joint termination to take place six months after the projected announcement, primarily so that winter vegetables could be marketed at the lower duty for part of one more growing season. Alternatively, Mexico proposed informally an immediate withdrawal by the United States of the petroleum concession in return for extension of the remainder of the trade agreement to June 30, 1951.

Following some internal discussion, the Department acquiesced in the first of the alternatives offered. After additional negotiations, primarily procedural, the Agreement was jointly denounced by exchange of notes dated June 23, 1950. The denunciation came into effect December 31. Texts of the notes are enclosed with despatch 1584 from Mexico City, June 26. (411.1231/6–2650)