511.6121/5–150: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union


424. Embtel 1219, Apr 25. After full consideration Emb position re distribution Amerika Dept still convinced action shld be designed continue magazine as long as possible rather than precipitate its demise. Since magazine and VOA are sole remaining means presenting US viewpoint to Sov people Dept feels all possible steps shld be taken preserve these channels communication. Emb reminded Amerika considered eminently valuable medium early years when circulation limited 10,000 or less.

As to specific points raised:

Dept questions relevancy past Sov censorship magazine to possible later public protest its elimination. Amerika widely known and regarded by many as major evidence US continuing effort achieve peaceable understanding with Sov people. Abandonment of this effort, on US initiative might be interpreted as surrender in our efforts for peace. Although Dept well aware graver developments now in forefront of news it is believed Emb underestimates importance attached to media of info exchange like Amerika by those in US and other countries whose most profound yearning is for peaceful resolution world’s difficulties.
Dept does not feel adequate record has been made to date in Amerika situation. As record now stands Sovs have simply indicated magazine not selling as well as in past. Emb suggestion US cease publication therefore suggests defeatist attitude which cld not in any way enhance US stature in eyes of world.
Emb has not at any point made clear advantage to be gained by precipitating demise project. All experience in dealing with Sovs indicates necessity for patience and persistence. Strong possibility exists Sovs are hoping US will become discouraged and cease publication. [Page 1187] To do this without clearly being forced out wld, in Dept view, play into Sov hands.

Dept currently considering change in Amerika format designed strengthen our propaganda position in event final close-out of operation which will be presented for Emb consideration and comment in subsequent message. These proposals will affect price reduction suggested Deptel 345, Apr 21. Emb shld inform Soyuzpechat new price five rubles, Soyuzpechat to retain two and one half as before. Price stickers suggested by Emb will be provided earliest.

Dept feels record will be improved by effort to cooperate in distributing existing surpluses through price reductions and Sovs shld be forced into discussion of matter. Therefore no return copies or payments shld be accepted until this aspect matter gone through thoroughly. In event it is then determined by Emb that Emb refusal accept returns and payments will result in Soyuzpechat refusal accept full fifty thousand next issue Emb authorized acquiesce.

Emb requested proceed along lines indicated Deptel 345 as modified by this tel.

Dept now drafting reply to FonOff in order keep discussion of matter active on FonOff level.

Foregoing position Dept feels is consistent with agreed policy of augmenting rather than abandoning effort reach Sov people via radio despite Sov jamming. This policy has full support Congress and Amer people. Dept wld anticipate unfavorable reaction to defeatist attitude concerning Amerika view impressive existing evidence, much of it supplied by Emb, of magazine’s effectiveness.
