861.413/6–1950: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State 1


1674. Tehran’s 1141, June 16 to Department.2

In our view, while Communists utterly contemptuous spiritual values, for tactical reasons they are presently making use of organized religion (especially Islam and Orthodoxy) for their own ends. Thus outright persecution Muslims in Soviet Union on pre-war scale seems to have been replaced by a form of provisional equilibrium under [Page 1208] which Muftis (both Shiite and Sunite, latter comprising vast majority Soviet Muslims) teach ideological compatibility Islam with Communism. As quid pro quo Muslims permitted practice religion on restricted basis, possibly even being favored in this respect over Christian sects.
Usefulness of 20 to 30 million Muslims for Soviet policy vis-à-vis ‘Central Asian periphery countries and Muslim world generally seems obvious. Alleged freedom of worship pragmatically more valuable for Kremlin at this time than dubious advantage of extirpation.
On the other side of coin, it is undeniable fact that cultural aspects of Islam are being steadily and systematically eradicated by state. Organization ex-Nomads into collective farms, growth urban proletariat, teaching of Russian language and presence of Russian settlers, complete secularization of education inevitably are weakening hold Muslim clergy.
Under these conditions, Islam probably is scheduled to become purely ritualistic form. This process obviously will take time, and meanwhile there are numerous instances of passive resistance. Press often admits persistence Muslim social patterns, retention of Purdah, paucity Muslim women in professions, etc.
Our access to Turkmenskaya Iskra has now been cut off and of other papers (we receive Russian-language ones only) from Muslim Central Asia we are able to subscribe to but one copy each which we customarily send immediately to Department for analysis. However, we will endeavor scan these in future and will cable any outstanding developments.
We believe DRE can provide ample material on official Communist attitude towards religion in general, based upon materials currently appearing in Soviet press. But, for reasons outlined above, we think it more profitable to concentrate on such aspects life Soviet Muslims as breakdown cultural patterns, complete ascendency of Great Russians in political and economic life Central Asia, emphasizing Soviet intention of turning Islam into sterile and purely formalistic rite.

  1. This telegram was relayed to Tehran on June 19 at 2:50 p. m.
  2. Not printed.