Editorial Note

The Tripartite (United States–United Kingdom–France) Committee on Military Assistance to Yugoslavia completed a paper on October 26, 1950 which set forth the requirements to be used for planning [Page 1483] for peacetime and emergency military material assistance to Yugoslavia under a variety of possible situations. The paper was referred to the three governments for consideration. (768.5 MAP/10–2350) Copies of the paper were transmitted as enclosures to airgram A–696, November 3, 1950 to London; instruction 30, November 3, 1950 to Belgrade; and instruction 202, November 3, 1950 to Paris, for the information of those Embassies. The text of the paper could not be declassified in time to be included in this volume.

Regarding the establishment of the Tripartite Military Committee on Military Assistance to Yugoslavia, see the Department of State aide-mémoire of September 26, 1950 to the British Embassy, page 1457. The Committee appears to have met four times: October 2, 12, 23, and 25, 1950.