781.00/11–450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece


1547. Embtel 1482.1 Dept concurs position taken by you that US will support any govt willing cooperate with US which enjoys approval [Page 434] Grk people and Parliament, but agrees attempt form parliamentary govt under Ventiris might have unfortunate repercussions. Dept also agrees if no effective coalition can be developed from present Parliament most wholesome development wld be new elections (Embtel 1503)2 on majority system at earliest possible moment, thereby enhancing possibility for stable govt more directly reflecting popular will. Although Papagos unknown quantity in political field we would of course have no objections if he came to power in this way.

Dept recognizes Palace’s sincere desire advance welfare of Greece and Papagos’ reported intention participate in elections only with support broad coalition. If elections held and Papagos elected it is to be hoped he would resist undue influence by his present advisers and that King wld be able resist temptation work for elimination influences in such govt unsympathetic to Palace. Dept has noted effort Papagos gain control gendarmerie, thereby concentrating in hands of mil auths considerable additional power which presumably cld be exercised by Palace if required. Dept agrees Monarch can make an important contribution stability of Greece (Embtel 1055)3 provided propensity of Palace impose its own solution does not in end again raise issue of regime. However, inability Palace treat all non-commie parties on same impartial basis gives cause for some concern.

In this connection Dept continues interested in fate of EPEK: strategic and growing segment in Grk polit society. It seems unfortunate King has not seen fit include Plastiras in prelim conferences involved in formation of new govt. Dept questions whether Tsouderos wld, in fact, support Papagos, and whether Tsouderos support desirable at price leaving EPEK in opposition and in hands of Plastiras alone. Current KKE propaganda, including decisions so-called Third Conference of KKE, and recent attack on Sofianopoulos tend indicate KKE efforts form popular front in Greece have so far been thwarted. Any action which may result in throwing growing number EPEK supporters into marriage of expediency with communists and tending split nation between Right and Left must be carefully considered.

Dept keenly appreciates importance ur efforts deliver King from influence inexperienced and partisan advisers as well as impress upon King fact US believes inadequacy present Grk polit leadership cannot [Page 435] be corrected by resort authoritarian solution. You are authorized bring such of foregoing considerations to attention of King as you believe desirable. Dept hopes you will continue encourage democratic solution present polit problem without in fact allowing Palace or any other particular group enlist influence US Govt impose its own solution.

The foregoing constitutes Dept’s tentative views on exceedingly complex situation which it is recognized cannot be adequately appraised in Wash.

  1. Dated November 3, not printed; it reported that Ambassador Peurifoy told Aristides S. Metaxas, Chief of King Paul’s Political Bureau, that “while George Ventiris was well and favorably known to Embassy as able and honest, he was regarded by many thousand Greeks as being strictly ‘King’s man’ whose conduct of government would largely be determined by wishes of the Palace. Secondly he had never been elected to public office and it would seem unfortunate to many that so soon after elections the King found it necessary to go outside of Parliament to find a satisfactory PriMin.” (781.00/11–350)
  2. Supra.
  3. Dated September 27, p. 416.