684A.85/8–1450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel 1


76. Embtels 929, Aug 14, and 969, Aug 16 from Lon,2 rptd Tel Aviv as 7 and 8, Amman as 4 and 9. Dept understands Brit Govt instructing its reps Tel Aviv and Amman urge respective Govts agree high-level mil mtg. View continuing stalemate this matter, due unwillingness or inability parties arrange mtg, Dept agrees it may be necessary urge on both parties desirability such mtg. You shld therefore confer with Brit colleague and, if it appears such action wld be helpful, you are authorized support informally UK approaches.

  1. This telegram was repeated to Amman for action and to London for information.
  2. Neither printed; the former reported the British Foreign Office’s concern over, the continued impasse regarding the proposed meeting of high ranking Jordanian and Israeli military officers to discuss the problems on their frontier. The Foreign Office was of the opinion that if the problems were not settled the relations between Jordan and Israel would be exacerbated, resulting in prejudice to any possibility of overall settlement between the two nations. It therefore recommended that the United States and the United Kingdom “should take fairly strong line in urging both sides to agree to meeting” (684A.85/8–150).