689.90D/11–250: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Afghanistan 1


117. Embs Kabul and Karachi shld on Nov 6 approach Afghan and Pak FonOffs along fol lines.

US Govt concerned at continued unsatisfactory state Afghan Pak relations. Existing tension between neighbors with mutual interests impedes essential economic and social progress and creates situation favorable Soviet intrigues and subversion.

US Govt has consistently taken position Afghan Pak differences can and shld be settled by direct negot two govts. This still US view. In order facilitate direct negot, US Govt making informal proposal. If both govts consider proposal has merit, US Govt willing assist as informal “go-between” in arranging Afghan Pak agreement to terms proposal.

US proposal which may be left with Afghan and Pak FonOffs as memo fol:

“The Govts of Afghan and Pak wld agree:

To cease attacks upon the other by officials or through official channels and to use their best efforts to prevent such attacks in the press or from other nonofficial sources.
To use their influence to prevent incidents among the tribes which were likely to affect good relations between the two govts. The two govts wld further agree that if, despite their efforts, incidents did occur, they would consult together through diplomatic channels and avoid public pronouncements with respect to such incidents.
To exchange Ambs within two months.
To designate reps to meet within three months for informal, exploratory discussions of their differences without a previously agreed agenda or stated preconditions. The two govts wld further agree that there shld be no publicity concerning these discussions without prior agreement between them.”

FYI care shld be taken avoid giving impression US desires or wld act as mediator. Our role to be limited to bringing parties together. If third party to discussions proves essential, we wld endeavor persuade parties agree upon small neutral state or outstanding individual. Latter cld be US citizen, although we prefer not.

FYI we have not asked UK or other govts participate our approach. Brit will support if queried by parties. Indians being asked do same.

Emb Delhi shld on Nov 6 inform MEA orally of US approach and request GOI support if parties seek GOI views. Hardly likely that Pak wld but Afghans might.

  1. Repeated to Karachi 228, New Delhi 656, London 2285, and Moscow 294.