794A.00/7–1250: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

top secret

106. Kapur at Indian Embassy showed Embassy officer July 11 top secret telegram for Indian Ambassador Peiping dated July 10 which refers to intensity Chinese Communist feeling about Formosa and expresses opinion that prolongation hostilities Korea make it more certain than ever “that Chinese Communists will move against Formosa soon”. Chou En-Lai’s message to Trygve Lie analyzed as arising from Peiping’s desire clearly demarcate between Korean and Formosan issues since US step re latter not covered by SC Resolutions. Reference also made to remarks of Soviet Ambassador Peiping who reportedly said Soviets did not desire “widen conflict” and that calmness Soviet people plus neutral attitude Asian nations re Korea may give pause “US desire broaden conflict”. On other hand Soviet Ambassador said to have given toast to “early liberation of Taiwan”, Kapur used this cable as basis for elucidation now familiar Indian line that US should throw Formosa question into UN before Chinese Communists attack and should also not stand in way of Chinese Communist membership UN. “On Korea you have clear-cut moral case; on Formosa you will not have support world opinion unless you take suggested actions now”. He insisted that British position on Chinese Communist membership UN same as GOI’s despite Embassy officer’s statement that British agree with US that this is not time push that matter. He emphasized feeling of responsibility GOI that as result its unique position Peiping and said he wished we had representative there who could corroborate Pannikar’s information. He noted that [Page 375] latter had made no reference in latest cable to Radhakrihshnan’s1 suggestion that Pannikar use his influence restrain Chinese Communists. “Once Chinese Communists take up arms against US forces guarding Formosa, chance of weaning Mao away from Kremlin forever lost”.

Re Indian motion that settlement could, be reached by obtaining commitments from Soviets and Chinese Communists that they would support SC action restore status quo ante Korea and then bringing Chinese Communists into UN (and thereby ending Soviet boycott), Kapur said that GOI had “something in writing” from Chinese Communists indicating their support this formula.2

Department pass New Delhi, London; sent Department 106, repeated information New Delhi 9, London 37.

  1. Saravapalli Radhakrishnan, Indian Ambassador in Moscow.
  2. For further documentation on this topic, see telegrams 65, 66, and 67, July 11, from New Delhi, vol. vii, pp. 365, 364, and 367, respectively.