793B.00/1–651: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India

top secret

1047. Re urtel 1582 Dec 30. Pls inform Tibetan delegation Kalim-pong that its Dec 21 appeal noted by Dept which interested in continuance Tibetan autonomy and views sympathetically Tibetan appeal to UN.

Separate msg conveys directive for forwarding Tibetan Del re application for visas.1

In view GOI unwillingness support Tibet in or out of UN at this time Dept requesting Emb London make approach to FonOff with view ascertaining whether they consider any action now feasible. Despite lateness in time Dept considers matter shld not be permitted go by default, particularly in light UN action re Korea and also need for checking Chi Commie advances where feasible. Dept accordingly requests ur views re (1) effect on Tibetan resistance of flight Dalai Lama to India and whether he wld have any utility as center support internal resistance event polit turnover Lhasa, (2) best course now to be adopted by US re UN appeal, (3) positive measures which might be presented shld GOI modify present position.

Dept of opinion Chi Commie conquest of Tibet near future probable unless new and unexpected factors appear but believes every feasible effort shld be made to hinder Commie occupation and give case appropriate hearing in UN.

FYI US Govt still stands ready extend some material assistance if appropriate means can be found for expression Tibetan resistance to aggression.

  1. Telegram 1015, January 3, 1951, to New Delhi, stated that the Tibetan Delegation should be advised that application for visas for temporary entry into the United States could be made to the Consulate General at Calcutta which had appropriate instructions on the matter (793B.00/12–2650).