Editorial Note

By an exchange of notes of February 24 and March 11 and 13, 1950, between Ambassador Myron C. Cowen and Philippine Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs Felino Neri, the United States and the Philippines effected an agreement supplementing and extending the United States–Philippine military assistance agreement of March 21, 1947. [Page 1419] For the text of this supplementary agreement, which entered into force on March 13, 1950, see Department of State, Treaties and Other International Acts Series 2080 or United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, volume I, page 448. Another note of February 24 from Ambassador Cowen and a reply thereto of March 11 from Under Secretary Neri constituted an agreement on a secret (separate) minute to the aforementioned supplementary agreement. The minute specified that the two Governments recognized their mutual interest, consistent with mutual security and recovery objectives, in effective controls over the export of war potential materials, equipment, and technical data, and would undertake measures for the accomplishment of those ends. The texts of the exchange of notes effecting agreement on the secret minute were transmitted to the Department of State as enclosures to despatch No. 360, March 21, 1950, from Manila, none printed (796.5–MAP/3–2150).