G/PM Files, Lot 68 D 349

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

top secret

Memorandum of Conversation With the President

Item 3. Arneson Issue

I discussed with the President Mr. Arneson’s memorandum of October 22.1 The President said that he had already discussed this with Secretary Lovett and that he was rather of the opinion that it would be desirable to put out something in as much as the matter would undoubtedly leak. The suggested statement attached to the memorandum seemed to him about right. He also thought well of the suggestion that anything put out should come from the AEC rather than from the White House. I said that we would meet with AEC and Defense and have a joint recommendation for him.2

D[ean] A[cheson]
  1. Supra
  2. Later on October 22, Joseph Short, Secretary to the President, released the following statement: “Another atomic explosion has occurred within the Soviet Union, apparently as part of a test series. Of course, there may be more such explosions from time to time.”