330/5–1451: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State


1534. Re Syrian-Israeli dispute: Following are developments of May 12 re draft res: UK received London’s comment re latest draft and was instructed to press for inclusion of para along lines reported mytel 1498 of May 7.1 French del expressed desire for inclusion mention of Huleh project. Fowler (UK) drafted tentative para combining UK idea with the one Dept is considering which Fowler received from us Friday on tentative and informal basis and which at our request he has not given to other dels. His para is: “While recognizing [Page 681] general benefit which would result from drainage operations, both within and outside demilitarized zone, is of opinion that failure of Israel to need requests of Chief of Staff and Chairman of MAC re engineering operations of Palestine Land Development Company in demilitarized zone, has contributed in large measure to subsequent deterioration of security in area and recommends that such operations in demilitarized zone cease pending negotiations on this issue in accordance with terms of general armistice agreement.”

Fowler thinks UKDel will not insist on inclusion language of para up to “is of opinion” if we feel such mention of Huleh project might cause complications.

Confirming Maffitt telecon with Ludlow and Waldo, following drafting changes have been agreed with UK and French dels:

Para 5 of urtel 8912—insert “article 7, para 8 of the” between “under” and “armistice” in first line.

Para 8 urtel 891, as amended—Replace “is entitled” by “has authority” between “civilian life” and “to consider.”

Para 9 urtel 891—Replace “brings to attention of” by “recalls to” at beginning.

Riley departed for Palestine by air last night urging most expeditious adoption on res as possible to enable him act effectively in MAC chairmanship he will assume upon arrival. He reported Ben-Gurion had indicated to him Israel adamant on claim of sovereignty over Syrian-Israeli demilitarized zone.

  1. The paragraph suggested by the United Kingdom and transmitted in telegram 1498 follows: “‘While recognizing the general benefit which could result from drainage operations both within and outside demilitarized zone, [ SC] recommends that in accordance with memorandum of Chief of Staff to parties, dated March 7, 1951, operations of Palestine Land Development Co. in demilitarized zone should cease pending negotiation of this issue in MAC.’”(330/5–751)
  2. Dated May 1, p. 652.