Daily TS Summary: Lot 52–242

Daily Top Secret Summary

top secret

Subject: Israel’s Role in Middle Eastern Defense

The Israeli Prime Minister recently summarized to the Secretary of Defense1 Israel’s requirements from the United States as (1) assistance in building up industry for the production of military equipment and (2) provision of equipment to the Israeli army to bring it up to U.S. standards. He also wished to know UK and U.S. plans for the defense of the Middle East. He reported that the UK Commander of Middle East Land Forces recently informed him that the role he envisaged for Israel immediately was to utilize its port facilities and right of transit for troops and supplies. The Secretary of Defense expressed the view that the most important contribution that Israel could make to the stability and future defense of the area was to control and prevent the border incidents which continue to occur with its neighbors.

  1. Probably during their conversation held May 4, of which no primary record has been found in Department of State files.