974.531/7–2551: Telegram

The Ambassador in Egypt (Caffery) to the Department of State 1


101. If object suggested Security Council proceedings (Deptel 104 July 23)2 is to obtain dropping of Suez restrictions, my opinion is that they will not be successful because Egypt enthusiastically backed by all Arab countries will probably not accept an adverse Security Council decision.

If there is some other object I wld appreciate being informed.

I assume I need not emphasize that US co-sponsorship wld involve a definite worsening I repeat definite worsening of US-Arab relations, which in Egypt have taken a change for better, and we wld be blamed more than the Brit; also it wld involve strengthening Arab countries neutralist attitude in connection with differences between US and the Iron Curtain.

  1. Repeated to London and New York.
  2. Not printed; it transmitted the text of telegram 127 from New York, July 20, p. 788.