357.AC/9–2051: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Syria 1


137. Fol represents Dept thinking re Legtel 145 Sep 202 and Huleh situation in gen: Dept gratified over progress Riley has made since his return NE in obtaining Israel compliance SC res May 18 and considers Israel govt over past month has shown greatly improved spirit cooperation, which Dept hopes will continue during negots last few points at issue. Dept considers Riley in position determine when compliance satis and time at hand to study ways and means to permit engineering project continue in demil zone with due regard to property and water rights of Arab inhabitants in zone and vicinity. Dept believes Riley has these points in mind and will probably include them in his final report together with detailed description of remaining problem. On basis Riley’s report, US and other cosponsors SC res will be in better position consider next steps to be taken.

Dept understands and appreciates feelings of alarm which Syrians have toward energetic econ development taking place on her border, believes however Israel development projects Huleh swamp shld not be held up indefinitely. We believe US and UN assurances as well as tripartite decla are adequate guarantee. US support and cosponsorship SC res May 18 and Suez res Sep 1 convincing proof US prepared impartially take firm line against any state NE which fails live up to UN obligations re Pal.

Dept agrees Armistice Conf may be one means settling this matter but believes that Israelis wld consider primary aim of such conf to provide definitive settlement status of demil zone. This wld mean [Page 885] agreement of Syria and internatl community that Israel wld have clear title to sovereignty over its share of zone. Do not believe Israel wld agree to admin partition of zone without prejudice to final settlement but wld insist any agreement this matter between Syria and Israel shld provide estab definitive boundary in area. Believe Syrians shld bear these considerations in mind if they decide call for armistice conf. Re mechanics calling such conf, see third para Deptel 91 Aug 25, rptd Tel Aviv 167, Beirut 194.3

FYI, fol represents Dept’s tentative speculation re possible seeds of solution this problem:

Believes settlement this question between Syria and Israel cld best be facilitated through long estab MAC mach thus preventing spotlight of internatl and particularly Arab League publicity from interfering with negots.
Wld prefer see elimination demil zone which because of indeterminate status represents potential source future difficulties between Syria and Israel.
We do not believe settlement on Jordan water line practicable in light situation estab by Armistice Agreement under art V and Bunche explanatory note, but we have never discussed this with Fr.
Believe Syrians wld do well consider accepting small terr concession in demil zone with neces guarantees re water rights (probably incl UN supervision) in return for elimination of Zone and problems represented thereby.
Israel might agree to Syrian annexation El Hamma and possibly northern bit of terr of demil zone if by such agreement it cld estab rights of full sovereignty over remainder of zone.
If any evidence that Syrians might be responsive to settlement on these lines, Dept might consider informally exploring further Israel attitude on this question.

  1. Drafted by Mr. Waldo; cleared by UNP; repeated for information to Tel Aviv, Beirut, London, Paris, Ankara, Baghdad, Jidda, Cairo, Amman, Jerusalem, and New York.
  2. Ante, p. 872.
  3. Not printed.