320/12–1751: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1


Gadel 490. Re Delga 6862 UNRWA. Dept analyses problem as fol:

1. UNRWA needs firm authorization and termination date, and $250,000,000 program appears reasonable magnitude. Three year preferable to four year period suggested reftel in view fact refusal accept three year suggestion in report may create lack confidence in validity other concepts report and cast doubt on effectiveness termination provision.

2. Agree provisions in legislation permitting execution firm contracts preferable to cash appropriations made obviously with intent spread expenditure over two subsequent years fol fiscal year for which authorized. Dept was unable however to interest either BOB or Cong in such procedure for Pal refs for 1952 and was advised method unworkable.

3. If large increase not made FY 1953 similar increase essential FY 1954 if concept short term program is to be maintained.

Hope foregoing proves helpful. Dept already submitted, proposal BOB pledge 70% 1953 Budget or total maximum US contrib $82.6 million. Will advise soonest on receipt BuBudget decision.

Advise UK and Fr reaction suggestion contrib 6–2–1 ratio total programs.

  1. Drafted by Mr. Gardiner; cleared with Messrs. Tomlinson and Emery.
  2. Supra.