694.001/3–3051: Telegram

The Ambassador in London (Gifford) to the Secretary of State


5162. 1. Fol from Johnston, head Japan Dept FonOff, on developments re peace treaty:

Cabinet has rejected suggested compromise formula drafted by FonOff (Embtel 4617 Feb 26, para 2)1 and has gone on record that CPG shld be consulted along with other powers; similarly Formosa shld be ceded by Japan to China.
Basis for cabinet rejection FonOff proposal not understood although Morrison2 perhaps more susceptible than Bevin to labor back-benchers. In any case cabinet action does not preclude counter suggestions by Dept which FonOff wld welcome.
US draft treaty recd and being studied. FonOff proposes present UK draft to Dept in few days. UK draft will be considerably longer than that of US. UK feels all controversial issues shld be faced squarely and in detail. On completion, FonOff plans compare two drafts and supply US with pertinent comments.
Apart from points of difference brought to Allison’s attn during his London visit no substantial differences in two drafts other than those mentioned in sub-para (a) above.

2. When EmbOff inquired how CPG cld be invited participate in negots in view US recognition Natl Govt, Johnston said he assumed invitation to CPG might be extended by UK or GOI. He felt it important we go on record as inviting CPG participate if only for propaganda purposes. If CPG shld refuse invitation it wld be put in wrong as USSR has been.

3. Info contained in para one being brought officially to Dept’s attn through Brit Emb Washington.

  1. This paragraph reads as follows: “FonOff remains strongly in favor multilateral treaty and is attempting work out formula which would postpone indefinitely decision as to what government would represent China. With this in mind it is now drafting an ‘accession clause’ which will be to effect that as signatories not in agreement as to who should represent China accession of China to treaty should be delayed until this question is decided among other signatories. Similarly, another clause would recognize that Japan cedes Formosa to China but the interpretation of manner it would be ceded and identity of government to acquire Formosa would have to await later developments.” (694.001/2–2651)
  2. Herbert Morrison had succeeded Mr. Bevin as Foreign Secretary on March 9.