357.AB/3–2351: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan 1


601. USUN advised Dept Zafrullah, Mar 21, expressed strong opposition Bunche UN Rep Kashmir when told now possible designate [Page 1753] him per agreement with Syg and Bunche. In view USUN and UKDel understanding evening Mar 19 Bunche not entirely unacceptable to GOP, Dept surprised strength Zafrullah reaction. You are requested make immediate inquiry and report basis this reaction pointing out fol:

Probability press leak re Bunche appointment impelled USDel inform Indians re proposed designation same time Zafrullah advised. Consistent with Pres’s promise to Liaquat, we wld if necessary submit another American for nomination. However, in view unexpected strength GOP reaction, we wld have to give very careful consideration next person so named. This, obviously, might cause delay appointment UN Rep and GOP has said time of essence in dealing with dispute.
Moreover, we desire remind GOP it was Pak principle neither party have veto over selection UN Rep. However, in view Zafrullah’s objection Bunche, we believe we must consider GOI as well as GOP reactions when we tell parties our next preferred UN Rep nominee. This may also result additional delay.
US believes Bunche best possible choice and has gone considerable lengths persuade him accept post. We believe strongly Bunche’s objectivity; feel suspicion possible anti-Moslem or pro-Indian prejudice unfounded. US prepared inform Bunche GOP has objected to him as UN Rep, believing that then Bunche wld wish withdraw his name. Before speaking to Bunche, we wish GOP know our intent and desire obtain their reaction. We wish point out that if GOP continues desire withdrawal Bunche’s name, we will approach him with greatest reluctance and with belief his withdrawal is profound mistake, not in Pak’s best interest.
If GOP case re Kashmir as good as claimed, GOP shld be prepared press case with designated UN Rep of established qualifications. In our opinion, GOP reaction Bunche may prejudice their case, particularly because GOI will surmise withdrawal Bunche’s name result GOP objection.

USDel instructed make somewhat similar approach Zafrullah.2

  1. Repeated for information to London as telegram 4328, to New Delhi as 1540, and to New York as 808.
  2. Telegram 879, from Karachi, March 25, reported that the substance of telegram 601 had been given to Mohammad Ikramullah, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, Government of Pakistan, who in turn communicated it to Prime Minister Liaquat. In response, the Prime Minister reiterated that Mr. Bunche was not acceptable to the Government of Pakistan under any circumstances. The Embassy reported its belief that Liaquat’s position was based above all on his estimate of probable public reaction should Bunche be named U.N. Representative. (357.AB/3–2551)