357.AB/8–351: Telegram

The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State


478. Ref Deptel 262, July 31 to Karachi 119.

1. Emb believes that two PriMins have taken such firm and uncompromising positions particularly in recent exchanges notes that meeting between them as result of one side giving way would be unfruitful at either Delhi, Karachi or border point and, therefore, undesirable at present time. Emb Delhi does not see basis for recommending that Liaquat be urged come Delhi now and believes possible disadvantages considerably outweigh advantages.

2. Emb doubts that much if any, practical progress wld be made if PriMins met based upon its beliefs recent Pak and Indian actions and countermoves have taken place (1) because India is determined take no action which wld result loss Kashmir to India: (2) because India wished be prepared for and to forestall possible Pak intervention and to guarantee holding consembly;1 and (3) because arrival Graham as UN rep had crystallized Kashmir issue and both India and Pak considered it necessary demonstrate their views re Kashmir by action and statement. Neither invitation, in Emb’s opinion was put forward in belief other wld accept as neither is as yet prepared compromise on fundamental points.

3. Emb believes, however, despite foregoing, present state relations India and Pak provides situation into which third party cld step with proposal Nehru and Liaquat meet at neutral spot (New Delhi and Karachi alternately) for discussion interim solution present crisis. Proposal wld need have great authority behind it, embody elements of new approach, be practical and useful in present circumstances, and be consistent or reconcilable with current UN activities Kashmir. Emb considers courageous step necessary to halt dangerous deterioration in situation and believes suggestions meeting above criteria cld be devised which might be dramatic or forceful enough to break vicious circle now being trod in Liaquat–Nehru correspondence.

4. We shall endeavor put forward tomorrow certain thought which occurs to us from vantage point Delhi.

Sent Dept 478; rptd info Karachi.

  1. Constituent Assembly.