Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 14: Telegram

The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

secret   priority

C–58639. For info CINCUNC Adv HNC 513.

“Report of sub-committee meeting 4 December. Convened 1400. The following answers to questions asked by UNC yesterday were given by Communists at opening of session:

“1. Rotation or replacements is impermissible in the entire duration of the armistice. Individuals rejoining their units can be permitted to return periodically to Korea within the scope to be prescribed by the armistice commission and subject to examination by the supervisory organ of neutral nations.

“2. By ‘military forces’ is meant all units and personnel regular and irregular of ground, naval and air forces.

“3. By ‘weapons’ is meant all the military equipment including aircraft.

“4. Neither side has the right to interfere with or to inspect the reconstruction of any facilities within Korea.

“5. Replenishments and exchange of any weapons and ammunition are impermissible.

“6. The supervisory organ composed of representatives of neutral nations shall send to the ports of entry at the rear agreed upon by both sides, the same kind of representatives for conduction the same kind of inspection. The scope of inspection is limited to that prescribed by para 6 of our proposal.

“7. It would be appropriate that the neutral nations be three to five in number and that they be invited by both sides.

“8. Whether the supervisory organ of neutral nations shall be stationed at the ports of entry at the rear of both sides or proceed there regularly is to be decided by the supervisory organ itself and the method of inspection is to be decided in the same way.

“9. Regarding the list of neutral nations our side will submit our specific proposal after this measure is agreed to by both sides. Session continuing. Signed Joy”.