Truman Library, White House Central files, Confidential file

Memorandum for the President by the Director of Central Intelligence (Smith)


In response to your request of December 31st, this Agency has taken the following steps to assist in the orderly transition to the incoming Administration:

By your direction I kept each of the major Presidential candidates informed on international developments, along the general lines of the briefings I regularly prepare for you. During the campaign General Eisenhower and Governor Stevenson were each briefed four times at their convenience by an Agency representative.
By your direction this Agency prepared a comprehensive National Intelligence digest designed to give in summary form the most important national intelligence on a world wide basis. This was keyed to the NSC policy compilation prepared by the NSC Staff1 and was given by you to General Eisenhower immediately following the election.
Since the election I have personally briefed General Eisenhower four times, and Mr. Joseph Dodge, the incoming Director of the Budget, once.
To ensure the strict security precautions necessary for handling highly classified information, I have established a secure office for an Agency representative in the Commodore Hotel. This Agency representative is continuously available to the President-elect and to the Secretary of State designate to brief them and to provide the intelligence digests regularly prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Representatives of CIA have conferred with General Eisenhower and his representatives, at their request, in connection with a committee which General Eisenhower proposes to establish for the purpose of reviewing the US effort in the field of “cold war” activities. These conversations have assisted in the organization of this committee and in providing it with working facilities.
Various special briefings have been prepared in order that I may provide on request additional information for the principal cabinet and sub-cabinet officers.

Walter B. Smith
  1. See the editorial note, p. 3.