700.5 MSP/12–2453

Memorandum by the Acting Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs (Nolting) to the Secretary of State

  • Subject:
  • FY 1955 Mutual Security Program
[Page 677]

As you know, the President has approved the FY 1955 Mutual Security Program in the amount of $3,510 million, which is divided $2,500 million for military assistance and $1,010 million for bilateral and multilateral economic aid. This action followed your approval of Mr. Stassen’s presentation to you of the proposed program on December 18.1 The President’s action implicitly approved the following points:

Military assistance is to be appropriated to the Secretary of Defense and shall include funds for Indo-China support, UK aircraft production and common use items for Yugoslavia.
Economic aid programs in Europe would be carried on in Berlin, Spain, Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia.
With respect to the Near East and Africa, special economic aid programs in the amount of $130 million should be illustratively programmed for presentation to the Congress. These programs would be for Iran, Israel and the Arab States.
Contributions to multilateral organizations would be appropriated to the Secretary of State. An amount of approximately $135 million would be requested for contribution to the UN Korean rehabilitation program (UNKRA), the UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA), multilateral technical assistance programs of UN and OAS, and UN child welfare programs (UNICEF).

I am attaching for your information a table showing the proposed distribution of the $3,510 million for the FY 1955 Mutual Security Program.


Table Prepared in the Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs


FY 1955 Mutual Security Program

($ Millions)

[Page 678]
1. Military Assistance (Appropriated to Secretary of Defense)
A. Regular MDAP 1596.8
B. Special Programs
Indo-China support 800.0
UK aircraft production 75.0
Yugoslav common use 20.0
NATO contributions 8.2
Total Military Assistance 2500.0
2. Non-Military Assistance
A. Economic Programs (Appropriated to the President)
Europe 134.0
Near East and Africa
Technical Assistance 40.0
Special Economic Aid 130.0
Asia and Pacific
South Asia 133.0
Far East 116.5
Korea 231.0
American Republics 32.0
Administration 34.6
Miscellaneous Programs 23.9
Sub-total, economic programs 875.0
B. Multilateral Programs (Appropriated to Secretary of State)
UNKRA 71.0
UNRWA 30.0
UN Technical Assistance 18.8
OAS Technical Assistance 1.5
Undistributed roundoff .2
Sub-total, multilateral programs 135.0
Total, Non-Military Assistance 1010.0
Grand Total, All Programs 3510.0
  1. Secretary Dulles had met with Stassen, Ohly, and Nolting at 6 p.m. on Dec. 18. The notation concerning this meeting is in Princeton University, Dulles papers, “Dulles’ Appointment Book”.