Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 212: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Department of State1


Dulte 12. For Phleger from the Secretary, I like George’s substitute2 very well. Have always been fearful that amending Article Six might subject treaties to same constitutional test as Federal laws. George’s Section Two would help solve dilemma we often face when we are doubtful whether international agreement is technically “treaty”, thus requiring two-thirds Senate action or subject to adoption majority both Houses.

  1. Drafted by Dulles.
  2. In an unnumbered telegram to Bonn, dated Jan. 28, 1954, which the Department of State requested be passed urgently to the Secretary of State, the Department furnished the text of the George substitute amendment and described Senator George’s explanation to newsmen why he had introduced the proposal. According to the telegram, he said that he had discussed the substance of his substitute amendment with the President, but he had not described the President’s reaction to the proposal. The Senator had also expressed his dissatisfaction with the most recent draft statement by Senate Republican leaders who had been trying to reach a compromise with Senator Bricker. A copy of this telegram is in the Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 212. A handwritten marginal notation indicated that a copy of the message had been given to the Secretary of State at 8:30 a.m., Jan. 28.