
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Cabot) to the Secretary of State 1



  • Recognition of New Government in Colombia

The attached telegram2 foreshadows recognition of the new Colombian Government and I therefore feel you should approve it.

Quite apart from the question of the Korean negotiations, we feel that the new Government is one to which we can by implication extend a positive welcome in that it appears to have the support of the majority of the Conservative Party and to be viewed benevolently by the Liberal Party. It also appears disposed to return Colombia to the democratic paths from which it has recently strayed. Moreover, the new Government should certainly be no worse than the old in regard to persecution of Protestants in Colombia.3

  1. Drafted by Assistant Secretary Cabot.
  2. No attachment was found with the source text. The reference is apparently to the Department of State circular telegram 1205, dated June 15, 1953, requesting information from Latin American governments concerning their plans with respect to recognition of the new Colombian Government (721.02/6–1553).
  3. The United States resumed diplomatic relations with Colombia on June 18, 1953. For text of the Department of State press release 326, dated June 18, announcing its decision, see Department of State Bulletin, June 29, 1953, p. 927.