Editorial Note

The Temporary Council Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization held four meetings, February 6–8, 1952, at the quarters of the Financial and Economic Board of NATO in Paris. The Committee discussed and ultimately adopted at its meeting on February 8, pending a final review at a later meeting in Lisbon on February 17, the texts of a draft Supplementary Report of the TCC and a draft resolution to the North Atlantic Council. For the text of the Supplementary Report, which was circulated to the Committee as document TCC–D/28, see page 211; for the text of the resolution, which was circulated and adopted by the Committee as document TCC–D/27, 2nd Revise, as it was subsequently adopted by the North Atlantic Council on February 23 as document C9–D/20, see page 220. The basic telegraphic reports on the meetings of the Temporary Council Committee and its Executive Bureau are included in the Department of State central files under 740.5. Formal summary records of the four meetings of the Committee, designated documents TCC–R/17 to TCC–R/20, are included in the top secret Paris Embassy files, lot 57 M 44, “NATO Documents.” For a statement issued to the press by the Committee at the conclusion of its meetings, see telegram 4883, from Paris, infra. For an account of the events leading to the meetings of the Committee, see the Background Paper of February 6, supra.

The records in the Department of State indicate that the following representatives participated in the Committee’s meetings:

United States Mr. W. Averell Harriman (Chairman)
Belgium Mr. Duvieusart
Canada Mr. Wilgress
Denmark Mr. Kristensen
France Mr. Monnet and Mr. Hirsch
Iceland Mr. Benediktsson
Italy Mr. Malagodi
Luxembourg Mr. Wehrer
Netherlands Mr. Hirschfeld
Norway Mr. Brofoss
Portugal Mr. Costa Leite
United Kingdom Sir Edwin Plowden