740.0/5–352: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1


6490. In terms action listed below, pls bring to attn appropriate officials fol US proposals for program designed to save time in bringing about effective and logical correlation signing EDC, contractuals and NATO protocol. In doing so emphasize that while US is not member of EDC conference, we believe coordinated action is necessary and wld welcome initiative on part other countries, particularly Fr and FedRep as only countries participating both in contractuals and EDC. US recommendations are as follows:

1. Place and sequence of signature of EDC and contractuals: In spite of our previous suggestions on this subject, we now believe that best course is signature first of contractuals at Bonn followed immed by signature EDC treaty and NATO protocol in Paris. Decision will require reversal of present Ger position favoring Hague for combined ceremony and a return to their original view. Unless this reversal will create difficulties for Adenauer’s coalition, signature of contractuals at Bonn will have long term significance in development of Ger Policy, particularly if Adenauer can be prominently identified with Paris ceremony for EDC and NATO protocol.

In proposing that signature of contractuals precede EDC, we consider this sequence wld provide maximum public impact. Signature of contractuals wld signify termination of a situation in Ger arising out of the past, to be followed by EDC which inaugurates a new era in WE affairs which in turn wld be recognized by NATO action. Tripartite declaration cld be issued as communiqué after signature treaty.

2. NATO protocol and NATOEDC relations: Immed fol signature of EDC treaty Paris we propose public session NATO Council Paris to sign protocol which was conditionally approved in draft form in Lisbon. We hope that Fr will agree that Adenauer shld be invited as observer to this public ceremony. Representation on Council wld consist of mins in Paris for EDC ceremony and mins of any other NAT members desiring to attend or their permanent reps. Previously, Permanent Council will have examined treaty as initialed, noted any changes, taken any pro forma action required. Possible that EDC cld be signed at noon and protocol in late afternoon, although for practical reasons signature of protocol may be postponed to fol day.

US hopes that Secy and Eden will be invited to attend EDC signature as observers as a demonstration US–UK view of importance of treaty. EDC conference may wish to decide whether other mins shld be invited.

3. NATO Council meeting: We consider that it wld be helpful to utilize presence of numerous mins in Paris at this time to hold regular session NAC on morning fol public session for signature protocol. This session of Council wld consist only FonMins or permanent reps and wld be devoted solely to brief exchange views on polit questions [Page 653] during which Secy wld be willing to report on our negots with Spain, Ismay cld report on internatl staff, and Council informed of current exchange of notes with Sovs on Ger. It wld be necessary to devise and control an agenda appropriate for discussions of this type which do not require presence of large dels. Such a mtg wld not only meet idea that Council shld meet three or four times a year, but wld satisfy budding desire in many quarters that mtg be held this summer and enable postponement of full fledged Council mtg until fall when basic discussions and decisions will be required.

4. Conversations with FonMins: Inevitable that number of FonMins present in Paris will desire discussions with Secy on specific subjects. Also desirable that Secy raise subjs with other FonMins either on bilateral or tripartite basis. For example, Stikker will wish to discuss again his worries concerning OEEC and EPU. We will doubtless wish to raise certain questions such as Tunisia, Trieste, and US negots with Spain. Issue of Saar may be injected into discussions either in Bonn or Paris.

5. Timing: On assumption agreement will be reached, which is present basis for planning, Secy cld arrive in Bonn on day before signature of contractuals, sign fol day, and proceed to Paris for dual purpose of attending EDC signing and NATO mtg. Exact dates cannot be set at this time but hope that min mtg can be held on May 12 (Paris 6718, May 2)2 or before in order that all necessary action can be taken to permit signatures of the agreements in an uninterrupted fashion. In order that our arrangements can be made, we hope that unfinished business can be completed as soon as possible.

We consider that foregoing program for signature wld have great public impact and we assume Fr Govt wld take necessary steps to provide proper setting for this historic occasion. In addition we believe agreements shld be related, both officially and in public mind. Program wld be a demonstration of Western solidarity of particular importance fol despatch proposed tripartite note to Sovs on Ger around May 10 which stresses will to Eur integration. Success of program, however, depends on Eur agreement as soon as possible on all points in related negots.

Action required

On basis Secy’s recent personal msg and info contained in Paris 6718, May 2, pls utilize every appropriate opportunity to urge that conference complete its work soonest in order that necessary govt [Page 654] action may be taken and exact dates set for signing of three agreements.
Ascertain whether Fr and Gers, as chief participating countries in both agreements, agree that contractuals shld be signed in Bonn, followed immed by signature of EDC in Paris? Dunn and McCloy shld consult with these govts with suggestion they might arrive at joint position. Other EDC countries shld then be consulted by Fr and Gers.
Is it desire of EDC conference that Secy and Eden and perhaps other non-EDC NATO FonMins shld attend signature of treaty as observers? If so, Alphand shld be reminded that formal invitation wld be desirable, to be extended perhaps by Fr as host govt on behalf of conference. Secy will accept such invitation if Eden is willing to attend.
Ismay shld be consulted by Draper to assure that all necessary steps are taken to permit signature of NATO protocol as scheduled above. Contents this telegram concerning NAC as appropriate shld be communicated to Ismay, suggesting it might be discussed in Permanent Council. If NAC ministerial meeting agreed, particular reference shld be made to agenda for proposed meeting urging that it be short and confined to genl exchange of views on polit questions. Assume Ismay will ascertain whether non-EDC FonMins wld attend NAC.
Paris shld ascertain whether Fr wld object to Adenauer’s attendance as observer at public session NAC. If no objection, Pearson wld have to extend formal invitation.
Missions shld advise Dept immed what problems might be brought up for private discussions by FonMins with Secy, bearing in mind that list shld be kept at minimum and consist only of key questions of pressing importance. Ref para 4 above, Paris and London pls report Fr and Brit views concerning possible tripartite session.
Text of this telegram being discussed with Canad Emb here so that Pearson may be fully informed.
  1. Drafted by Williamson, cleared by Calhoun and Perkins, and with Bruce and Secretary Acheson. Sent also to Bonn and London; repeated to Moscow.
  2. Not printed; it reported that the delegations to the EDC conference’s Steering Committee “seem to have accepted initialing of treaty cannot take place until May 5 or 6” and that the Italian Delegation would ask the conference to fix another definite date, to be made public, within a day. It added that Alphand and Blank believed that the Dutch could be prevailed upon to initial the treaty even before the results of the Bonn talks on the German financial contribution and security controls had been concluded, but both men were anxious to write the results of the Bonn discussions into the treaty before the Ministers met and that in any case a Ministers meeting “is out of question” until the results of the Bonn talks were known. In private discussions, “all delegations have told us they wld be willing to continue in contact between initialing and Mins mtg to reduce issue(s) outstanding” (740.5/5–252).