601.4188/1–554: Telegram

No. 404
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State1

top secret

1460. 1. Entezam, Foreign Minister, told me today that he had talked last evening with Prime Minister matter agrément new British Ambassador. Prime Minister and he were quite pleased with name which Wright had advanced and he expected in the near future suggest that Wright formally request agrément. He confident agrément would be granted and that Iranian Government would welcome Ambassador whenever latter should decide come Iran.2

2. I asked Entezam re attitude Shah this regard. He said Prime Minister had already discussed matter with Shah and had reported Shah not opposed to new British Ambassador arriving Iran in normal course events. He added Prime Minister had intimated to Shah that certain members of Court by approaching foreign diplomats with alleged messages from Shah behind back of government were injuring prestige of Shah and Iran and he hoped Shah would be able to put stop this practice. Shah had blushed but had refrained from making comment. Prime Minister was of opinion that for time at least Shah would refrain from confusing international situation by endeavoring secretly intervene in Iranian foreign affairs.

  1. Also sent to London.
  2. Ambassador Henderson informed the Department on Jan. 12 in telegram 1519, that the previous evening Foreign Minister Entezam had told Wright that agreement for the posting of a British Ambassador had been given by the Shah, and that the Ambassador could come at any time. (601.4188/1–1254) The Embassy in London on Jan. 16 in telegram 3031, informed the Department that the new British Ambassador to Iran was Roger B. Stevens, at that time British Ambassador to Sweden. (601.4188/1–1654)