772.00/6–752: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France1


7283. We do not feel Fr plan as outlined Paris tel 7651, June 7 (rptd London 2117)2 fulfills understanding between Secy and Schuman [Page 773] at Paris for prior consultation by Fr with us before putting Tunisian reform program into final form. We feel that if Fr present plan to Bey before discussions with us they will then be unable make changes which we might suggest and wld use pretext Bey had approved plan as excuse alleged inability fulfill conditions we might feel absolutely essential success of plan.

Inform FonOff that our understanding is that Fr will go over plan with us while it is still sufficiently flexible permit alterations and before it is submitted to Tunisians. Furthermore we expect no premature publicity will be given Fr program. At proper time of course reform shld be given widest possible coverage in France, US and elsewhere but revelation details prior to discussions with us wld once again limit flexibility later modifications.

As Secy explained to Schuman, our interest in seeing proposals before they are frozen arises primarily because of our belief that we might make useful comments in connection with public opinion reaction here.

  1. This telegram was drafted by McBride (WE) and cleared in the offices of Cyr (AF) and Perkins (EUR) and was repeated to London for Byroade.
  2. Not printed. It reported Schuman had told the Ambassador the Tunisian program might not be in its final form until the conclusion of a parliamentary debate, which might go on until June 17. When the program was finished, it would be presented to the Bey, and after he approved it, the French would show it to the United States before making it public. (772.00/6–752)