690D.91/6–2552: Telegram

The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Department of State1


1563. PriMin last night talked to me about his current thinking on Kashmir. He said he had not heard from Graham this week. He feels that practically no headway has been made in the conversations now taking place in New York and with the deadline of June 26 when his del is under instructions to terminate the conversations, he is pessimistic about any practical action resulting from a SC debate. With these thoughts in mind, he told me he is calling the Cabinet together to ask approval for a compromise on the troop ratio in Kashmir on which Pak has been holding out. The suggestion he will make to his colleagues is that if Graham can prevail on the GOI to reduce their over-all troops in Kashmir to 18,000 and accept a total of 6,000 for GOP or a 3 to 1 ratio, then the GOP will withdraw its demand that the quantum of troops be based on the cease-fire ratio of Jan 1949. Shld Graham be able to obtain Indian acquiescence in this suggestion, then the Prime Minister believes it might be useful for him to meet with Nehru to work out the details of the plebiscite and the designation of the plebiscite administrator. He anticipates some further stalling in this connection but believes a mtg wld be worthwhile provided there was a prior understanding that he and Nehru had reached agreement on troop numbers. He concluded by saying that the results of the mtg between Nehru and Liaquat in the company of Sir Owen Dixon were so fruitless he wld be hesitant to enter into another mtg unless some tentative agreements had been made that wld furnish a basis for discussion.

  1. This telegram was repeated to New York and London and for information to New Delhi.