
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Byroade) to the Secretary of State

top secret


  • Informing the British about Paul Hoffman’s mission on Kashmir.

Paul Hoffman has reported that he has had a full and free discussion with Nehru about Kashmir (New Delhi’s 3873).1 He did not, however, specifically advance partition as a solution. Nehru has given Mr. Hoffman permission to advise the Pakistan Prime Minister of his, Nehru’s, eagerness to effect a settlement through direct negotiation. In this connection Nehru referred to plans for a meeting with the Pakistan Prime Minister some time later. Mr. Hoffman is to report [Page 1318] the results of his conversation in Karachi to Nehru on Wednesday, April 22, when he returns to New Delhi. You will recall that it was decided not to inform the British of the Hoffman mission at the outset but that depending on what happened a top British official might be told after Mr. Hoffman arrived. Since it is likely that word will now filter back to London through the High Commissioners’ offices in New Delhi and Karachi, I think you might consider orally informing John Selwyn Lloyd, Minister of State, while you are in Paris attending the NATO meeting. He will head the British delegation.2

  1. Supra.
  2. Notation on the source text by Roderic L. O’Connor, Assistant to the Secretary of State: “As I said—Sec mentioned this to Selwyn Lloyd 24 April in general way—got no reaction.”