357.AB/3–454: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations1


1041. In recent conversation with Department officer, UN Representative Graham estimated GOI and GOP will not be able agree on Plebiscite Administrator by deadline April 30 and GOP might raise matter in UN Security Council as early as middle April. He doubted Indians want Kashmir question come back to Security Council because his last report was so damaging to their position.2

High UN Secretariat official expressed view to USUN March 2 we should not yield to Indian pressure have US observers withdrawn but that it might be possible in process rotating US personnel to gradually cut down number of observers. Still no information re Indian communication to Secretary General on this matter.

In reviewing US position, Department would like have benefit your views re probable developments in Kashmir dispute and US attitude in UN. In particular, would appreciate your estimate though necessarily speculative on following points:

Are there any indications that Nehru will object to Graham’s continuation as UN Representative on ground of his US nationality?
Will NehruAli talks be resumed and will they lead to any success?
Will Kashmir dispute come before Security Council early this spring? Would Security Council proceeding at that time be disadvantageous from our viewpoint in view of present Indian reaction to US aid to Pakistan?

  1. This telegram was repeated to Karachi as telegram 728 and for information to New York as 391.
  2. A memorandum of this conversation held in New York on Feb. 15 between Dr. Graham and James M. Ludlow is in file 357.AB/2–1554.