
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Secretary of State


Dear Foster: On October 12 I reported to the State Department a conversation with Prince Naim of Afghanistan to the effect that Afghanistan wanted to merge with Pakistan. It seemed to me that this was an event of enormous strategic significance for the free world, and would change what is now a weak situation into a strong situation.

Yesterday Prince Aly Khan1 (who, in addition to his other better known activities, has good connections with Pakistan) told me in the utmost secrecy that the merger of Afghanistan and Pakistan was all agreed to and would soon be made known.

My purpose in writing this letter is to tell you this in case you do not know it already, because I would like to see you somehow get in on the publicity, as this would be another important addition to the already growing list of world developments that are favorable to the U.S. interests.

Sincerely yours,

Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
  1. An alternate representative on the Indian Delegation at the United Nations.