689.90D/12–254: Telegram

The Ambassador in Afghanistan (Ward) to the Department of State1


203. Prime Minister Daud in press conference November 29 was asked GOA view on announcement Pakistan Prime Minister integration provinces West Pakistan into single governmental unit.2Daud stated (1) GOA demand rights Pushtunistan people had undergone no change; (2) GOA and Afghan people do not consider Pushtunistan part Pakistan territory; (3) enforcement integration decision with respect Pushtunistan territory is against rights Pushtunistan people; (4) regrets this new decision GOP coming at time when it was expected both sides would open negotiations and reach understanding, this new decision having made even more barren and abortive than before every hope for improvement relations two States.

Embassy believes this statement Daud slams door in face resumption Afghan–Pakistan negotiations at least time being and leaves Pushtunistan question no nearer settlement than before Foreign Minister Naim’s trip New York. Pakistan Chargé believes statement kills proposed Kabul trip Pakistan Prime Minister. Daud statement also significant as first public declaration by Afghan Prime Minister to Embassy knowledge GOA does not consider Pushtunistan forms part Pakistan territory although similar view often unofficially expressed and recently stated in note Pakistan Foreign Office.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Karachi.
  2. On Nov. 20, Prime Minister Mohammed Ali announced that all of the provincial and state governments of West Pakistan would be integrated into a single unit. (New York Times, Nov. 21, 1954)