711.56346E/1–554: Instruction

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Ceylon1

top secret

CA–3476. Reference is made to the Department’s instruction No. 15 of May 28, 1953,2 the Embassy’s despatch No. 774 of June 27, 19533 and to previous correspondence on the subject of the possibility of obtaining U.S. military rights in Ceylon. The Department’s instruction No. 15 enclosed a “Statement of U.S. Military Requirements”. It is understood that such requirements remain approximately as outlined in the Statement, with priority possibly being given to rights for the establishment of communications facilities.

The Department would appreciate at this time the Embassy’s estimate as to the practicability and desirability of opening negotiations with the Government of Ceylon for the rights outlined in the Statement and the Embassy’s comment with respect to the related questions which are specified in the Department’s instruction No. 15, May 28, 1953.

The Department is requesting the Embassy at New Delhi for an estimate of the Government of India’s reaction to a request for U.S. military facilities in Ceylon should it be made and become known, and the effect on United States-Indian relations and Indian-Ceylonese relations of the establishment in Ceylon of United States military facilities. A copy of the Department’s instruction to New Delhi is enclosed.4

  1. This instruction was repeated for information to New Delhi.
  2. Ante, p. 1572.
  3. Ante, p. 1573.
  4. Department instruction CA–3475 to the Embassy in New Delhi, Jan. 5, 1954, requested an estimate of India’s anticipated reaction to the establishment of a U.S. base in Ceylon (711.56346E/1–554).