Radford papers, Indochina papers/Geneva Conference

Memorandum by the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (Twining) to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Radford)1

top secret u.s. eyes only


  • Indo China Situation

The problem has been posed:

If the U.S. Government is requested by the French Government to assist them in Indo China by committing U.S. naval air and U.S. air forces, what is the JCS position?

My answer is a qualified “Yes” provided certain assurances are given by the French Government clearly and at a high level. France should agree to:
Accept U.S. command of air and naval elements under a French theatre commander.
Accept and employ U.S. leadership in the training of troops and employment of combat forces.
Train and organize indigenous forces under indigenous leadership.
Grant to the Associated States true sovereignty and publicize this action.
N. F. Twining
  1. Copies of this memorandum were transmitted to General Ridgway, Admiral Carney, and General Shepherd.