S/SNSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 5405 Series

Memorandum by the Director of the Policy Planning Staff (Bowie) to the Secretary of State

top secret

NSC Discussion of Possible U.S. Intervention in Indochina1

The basic decision which the NSC should first reach is whether or not the U.S. should commit its own armed forces into Indochina in the contingency that such action was necessary to prevent the fall of Indochina to Communist control.
If the NSC decides that U.S. intervention would be undertaken if necessary, it should next decide, at least tentatively, the form and conditions of U.S. intervention (1) whether the U.S. should go alone to the aid of France and the Associated States or whether the U.S. should seek to organize a regional grouping for intervention in Indochina, and (2) what the objectives of such intervention should be.
If the NSC decides that the U.S. should seek to organize a regional grouping to support intervention in Indochina the U.S. will then have to decide:
What should be the composition and form of a regional grouping and how should it be brought into existence;
What commitments to the members of the grouping should the U.S. be prepared to undertake in order to secure their participation;
What agreements should be secured from members of the regional grouping as to the support they would give to any necessary intervention in Indochina.
If the NSC decides that the U.S. should intervene if necessary there will be other immediate practical problems for the U.S. Government to consider; such as:
How to secure Congressional support for the decision;
How best to use such a U.S. decision in countering any French inclination to negotiate an unfavorable settlement;
What conditions should be met by the French in order to promise success both in getting international support and in conducting the [Page 1247] military operations; and how to secure French performance of the required conditions;
How to secure from the French and Associated States the necessary invitation for or cooperation with U.S. or regional participation.
Robert R. Bowie
  1. See the memorandum of discussion at the 192d Meeting of the National Security Council, Apr. 6, p. 1250.