
No. 265
Memorandum by the Counselor (MacArthur) to Harold N. Waddell of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs1

top secret


  • Attached file.

I have read the attached memorandum from FE recommending a mutual defense treaty with the Republic of China, and while I recognize that a very good case can be made for the conclusion of such an arrangement, I nonetheless have doubts as to the desirability of pursuing such a course at this particular time.

As a practical matter, I think the various statements which have been made by top officials in this country, including the highest level, have made it quite clear to the Chinese Nationalists, the Chinese Communists, and others, that we would use our military forces to oppose any Chinese Communist attempt to attack Formosa.

To sum it up, I believe that the considerations which governed the decision with respect to this question last March and April are still valid.

D Mac
  1. Sent to Secretary Dulles as an attachment to Document 262.