401. Editorial Note

On October 22, at 7:25 a.m. Saigon time, a group of United States Army officers were injured in a dynamite explosion; 10 minutes later a busload of United States enlisted men were injured when their army bus was dynamited. At 1:08 p.m. the USIS Library in Saigon was bombed without injury to library personnel or users, but causing extensive damage. Initial intelligence reporting held that this violence was a part of a terrorist plan against United States personnel in Vietnam and United States agency offices instituted security procedures. It is unclear whether or not these procedures were the reason, but the attacks of October 22 proved to be isolated incidents. (Telegrams 843, 848, October 22, and 862, October 23, from Saigon; 751G.00/10–2257 and 751G.00/10–2357 respectively; Historical Office, Department of State, “Assaults on United States Diplomatic, Consular, and Information Installations Abroad, 1900–1965,” Research Project 709, September 1965)