216. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Department of State1

Dulte 27. Eyes only Acting Secretary from Secretary. Yesterday’s developments were significant primarily as indicating that Bulganin and Khrushchev may be less stubborn than Molotov on the subject of agreeing that the Foreign Ministers should begin promptly to study the problem of German unification alongside of the problem of European security. At luncheon yesterday I sat next to Molotov, who reaffirmed his opposition to studying German unification claiming that it was premature.2 However, in the afternoon under pressure from the President, Bulganin seemed to give way on this point.3 However, as we go into this morning’s Foreign Ministers’ session where Molotov presides, I suspect that his point of view will again dominate the Soviet delegation. There are also certain differences of [Page 436] views as between the British, the French and ourselves, but these, I think, can be reconciled because all of us are in accord on the main proposition that the problem of German unification should be promptly studied.

President’s private luncheon with Zhukov produced no surprises and had less significance than had been anticipated. Will cable separately on this point.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/7–2155. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Dulles.
  2. See Document 205.
  3. See Document 207.
  4. Not found in Department of State files.