210. Telegram From the Department of State to the Secretary of State at New Delhi1

Tedul 22. It is becoming increasingly apparent that our difficulties in many parts of the world are result of our not fulfilling [Page 460] military commitments to foreign governments, both large and small, which they had entered into with us in good faith.

The Pakistan case is typical. A three year commitment for end items and direct forces support, now estimated to cost $350 million, was entered into in September 1954. With the period almost half gone, in early 1956, we have delivered only $21 million of hardware and little if any direct support. The same situation appears to exist in many other countries.

[Here follows a brief description of the overall problems connected with Defense spending and a suggestion that Secretary Dulles might wish to make first-hand inquiries regarding the military aid situation in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Korea during his trip.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 679. Top Secret; Priority; Eyes Only. Drafted by Hoover and approved by Barnes. The Secretary was in New Delhi as part of his post-SEATO trip to several Asian countries. Additional documentation is ibid., FE Conference Files: Lot 60 D 514.